A Long-Overdue Update

It seems that I am cursed with “wannabe-blogger-but-seem-to-forget-my-blog-exists-for-a-few-years-itis.”  One of my summer goals is to be a more faithful blogger.

Rene is now two years old, in a new house, with a new best friend:  Daisy, a mixed-breed Beagle puppy rescued from the pound.  Daisy has a few bad habits (reality TV, being a bed potato), but she has really blended into the family well.

Josh and I are still in search of the great deal as well as mastery of the kitchen.  In the great whirlwind of the past two years, Rene has proven a gung-ho participant of our experiments in the kitchen.  There is very little (excluding raw cruciferous vegetables) that he will not at least try.  He seems to be a fruititarian (and can consume massive quantities of grapes, berries, and pineapple).

One thing that has kept me (ahem) busy is the great (Josh, if he reads this will surely be adding, waste of time) Pinterest.  I heart Pinterest.  I am addicted to Pinterest.  It has been way too long since my last pin (a few hours).  🙂

However, naysayers of Pinterest aside, the most wonderful site on the planet has inspired me immensely.  I have attempted several recipes (well, thought about attempting and have actually attempted a few).  In the next few weeks, I will post a few of those.

I do not promise to be a very proficient blogger with snazzy media sidebars, but I hope to provide entertainment, cute pictures of Rene (“Muffin”) and Daisy (when she is not in her Chicagolicious-Next-Top-Model viewing marathons), and some useful information.  I hope you stick around to enjoy the visit.  While you are waiting around for the next post brew up some Southern Sweet Tea perfected by my Canadian (northern Ontario-hailing) husband, Josh.  Like most great southern (American) recipes, it may seem a bit excessive, but it really hits the comfort food spot.

Canadian Southern Sweet Tea (a la Josh)

1 family-sized tea bag of Orange Pekoe tea (It will be soaking for a nice long while in the sauna-a.k.a. pitcher of hot water, so make sure it is a brand you feel comfortable with drinking.)

1 quart boiling hot water (see below for directions)

1 cup white sugar (although Josh is thinking we may switch over to honey when we buy some from the local beekeeper tomorrow–I will keep you posted with updates in that venture)

1 quart cool water

In a half-gallon pitcher (or a gallon if you want double the comforting love), add the sugar.  Secure the tea bag to the handle of the pitcher by using the little little gashes on the tea label to make a loop with the string.

Boil 1 quart of water in a tea kettle.  Trust me on this.  I have spilled enough boiling hot liquids from saucepans to know:  use a tea kettle.  Plus, it makes that really cool whistling sound that always gets Daisy’s attention.

Pour the boiling water into the pitcher, being sure to douse (I love that word!) the tea bag with the boiling water.  Aim for it if you have to.  The purpose is to get the tea and the bag wet enough so that an infusion happens.  A dry tea bag means you have hot sugar water.  Stir until sugar dissolves.

Let it sit for no less than 10 minutes.  (I know some people are having issues with the tea bag–and not loose tea–as well as leaving it steeping for so long.  Trust me.  It’s good.  If you have problems with it, continue on with your previous method.  You just won’t be making Josh-tea.)  Once the water in the pitcher is a dark brown (Think of it as tea concentrate!), remove the tea bag to be placed in the compost and add the remaining water.  Stir.

*Do not forget that you have tea steeping.  It tends to be a bit strong after a couple of hours, even with the water added.

If you simply are parrrrched and cannot wait a moment longer for tea-filled refreshment, load your cup full of ice (mason jar, plastic Mardi Gras cup, wine goblet, whatever strikes your fancy) and pour the tea slowly (directly on the ice) into the destination drinking vessel.  Garnish–if you must–with mint and/or lemon or other citrus or whatever you want.  Drink.  Repeat.  Make some more.  Repeat.