Meal Plan Monday: Muffin’s First Full Week of Second Grade

Good Monday morning, meal planners!  This week and next week on the meal plan I have added in some things that normally I would be ashamed to put on a meal plan:  frozen prepared chicken strips and nuggets and frozen pizzas.

After a rough week of Muffin and me going back to school, I have realized there is no shame in shortcuts, especially if they are cheaper than the alternatives of going out to eat.

There’s a Tip Tuesday lesson in there somewhere, I think.

I am also going to Tip Tuesday a morning shortcut for all of us who have to get slugabeds out of bed, dressed, and ready for the day shortly.  Not quite yet, however.

So, this week’s meal plan is pure survival mode.

Saturday:  was supposed to be soup and grilled cheese but it turned into I had a big brunch and Muffin ate all day at my parents, so we ate popcorn for supper while we watched Despicable Me

Sunday:  chicken nuggets, fries, veg sticks and dip

Monday:  pancakes and sausage, fruit (leftovers from Sunday’s breakfast)

Tuesday:  white sausage rotel, “regular” rotel/queso, guacamole, and salsa with chips

Wednesday:  chicken strips (frozen), rice, canned veg

Thursday:  leftovers or hot dogs

Friday:  pizza (frozen), fruit

Saturday:  ziti, bread, broccoli

Sunday:  sloppy joes, chips, veg sticks and dip

What is on your meal plan for the week?