Meal Plan Monday: Where Has October Gone?

Meal Plan Monday

Happy Halloween!  This has been a strange month.  Sickness, cub scout camping (resulting in my back being locked up grrr), my birthday, Homecoming preparations at work, Canadian Thanksgiving, and my observation.  This month has flown by with several hiccups!

But we are now at the end of the month and the spookiest (to some) day of the year.  This year Muffin is going as a HALO soldier.  And, as usual, I will stay home while he and Josh go trick or treating to hand out treats to those brave souls who venture beyond Josh’s Halloween entryway of horrors.

I’m trying to inject the past few weeks of meal plan fails (Can you believe I actually did no meal planning the past few weeks and went off the cuff–with disastrous results?!) with some fresh blood.  So far, it’s going well.

Of course, tonight is our traditional Halloween hot dog bar.

What’s up for the week?

Scroll down just a bit further to find out!

Saturday:  Coconut Chicken Fingers (Southern Bite–I didn’t make the sauce but instead served it with jarred sweet-and-sour sauce), strawberries

Sunday:  Wholly Guacamole Enchiladas (Mommy Hates Cooking), beans, rice, chips, salsa

Monday:  hot dog bar, chips, brownies

Tuesday:  Slow Cooker Lasagna Rolls (Gunny Sack), salad, garlic bread

Wednesday:  Dr. Pepper Crock Pot Pork Chops (Debbiedoo’s), roasted potatoes, green veg

Thursday:  leftovers or hot dogs

Friday:  mini pizzas and corn

Saturday:  Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas (Life in the Lofthouse), chips and salsa

Sunday:  Sweet Tea Fried Chicken (Growing Up Gabel), greens, mashed potatoes with lots of garlic and butter

Yes, the Sweet Tea Fried Chicken made it to the menu again.  I’m not sure if it will be made.  It’s one of those that I keep putting on the meal plan but it never actually gets made.