Meal Plan Monday: Lotsa Leftovers and Josh is On-Call

Meal Plan MondayThis week Josh is on call, so lots of leftovers are going to be employed.  Tuesday and Wednesday he is off but on call, so he is responsible for those nights, with the provision that at least one of them supplies ample leftovers for Thursday.

Monday:  leftovers from Super Bowl Sunday–can I get a woot woot for the domination that Seattle delivered upon the Broncos?  Now, I’m not really uber pro-Seahawks, but we (the Saints) lost to the team that dominated the Super Bowl.  It makes things better somehow.  Anyway, the leftovers are Chik-Fil-A style chicken nuggets, carrot and celery sticks with blue cheese dressing, tortilla chips with salsa, and potato chips.  For the record, Muffin ate more carrots than anything tonight (other than ice cream and cheesecake).

Tuesday:  Josh prepares

Wednesday:  Josh prepares (but probably spaghetti since that would have enough leftovers)

Thursday:  leftovers from Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday:  pizza in some form

Saturday:  ravioli made from wonton skins (make enough for leftovers later in the week)

Sunday:  cheesy chicken spaghetti (this might change, but it will be something that will lead to leftovers)

What is in your meal plan for the week?

By the way, I’m looking forward to the ravioli made from wontons most.  I’m not sure what I will be filling them with, but I am going to be perusing the Pinteresting Blogosphere for ideas.

What do you think?