Funny Muffin Friday: The Pretzel Taco (and even worse!)

Funny Muffin Friday

Don’t get me wrong:  I love Muffin’s creativity.  I love his interest in the kitchen and the culinary arts.  But there are times when I have to say those two affirmations to avoid retching at some of his culinary combinations.

A few week’s ago, we had tacos, as we often do.  Muffin directed his dad to prep his taco.  Beans.  Check.  Meat.  Check.  “Cream.” Check.  Olives.  Check.  Tomato.  Check.  Cheese.  Check.  When his dad presented him with his taco, Muffin added one more ingredient:


And he ate a good portion of it, more than he often eats of his taco (and Muffin loves tacos).

I couldn’t look.

I thought that was as far as he would take it, until a week or so ago.  (This one grossed me out to the point that I could not photograph it)

Let me preface this by saying, Muffin loves fruit.  Especially blueberries.  So, he added a few blueberries to a taco.

I probably should have warned you if you were reading this while eating or had eaten a bit ago.

This post is not for the faint of heart.

Luckily (for me), most recently in our taco-eating adventure, Muffin ate a “normal” taco, although he didn’t want anything except “cream.”  But he ate two-thirds of one with beans, meat, cheese, and salsa added to the cream.

What interesting combos have your children created in the kitchen?

Sadly, the pretzel taco was Muffin Approved.

Muffin Approved